WYjątkowy hotel otoczony naturą
Doświadcz ducha natury
Aliquam commodo faucibus varius. Sed in viverra nulla, sit amet aliquet purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum eget massa lacus. Integer congue massa id turpis faucibus, eu maximus ipsum maximus. Nullam ultrices dictum euismod. Pellentesque et augue suscipit nibh faucibus iaculis.

Spokój dla ciała i ducha.
Morbi non commodo libero, ac blandit diam. Etiam pulvinar interdum libero at commodo. Nam sit amet velit dignissim, scelerisque nisi at, eleifend urna. Proin vulputate mauris in augue vestibulum ullamcorper. Donec id cursus sem. Praesent ornare tempus ligula, sit amet eleifend mauris ultricies vitae.
Wyjątkowa atmosfera w wyjątkowym miejscu

Najwyższa jakość i wygoda
Etiam vitae tincidunt neque. Integer fringilla orci et rhoncus commodo. Sed pharetra commodo ipsum, ac finibus quam convallis vitae.
Relaks & wypoczynek
• since 1987 •
Nullam quis iaculis tortor. Maecenas vel nunc vitae neque varius rutrum vel non sem.
zajęcia ruchowe
Nullam quis iaculis tortor. Maecenas vel nunc vitae neque varius rutrum vel non sem.
Nullam quis iaculis tortor. Maecenas vel nunc vitae neque varius rutrum vel non sem.

Dystyngowane posiłki
Nullam faucibus tincidunt lobortis. Cras ultrices egestas leo, vitae maximus orci gravida sit amet.
Gabinet restauracyjny
Śniadania | 8:00 - 11:00 |
Lunche | 12:00 - 13:00 |
Obiady | 15:00 - 18:00 |
Kolacje | 19:00 - 21:00 |
rest your soul
Enjoy the dazzling venue.
In the morning, you can take a walk in the fresh air-filled forest or stroll through the herb garden.

#1 Prestige Hotel Awward
Lokalizacja blisko parków krajobrazowych
Technologia EcoFriendly
Co o nas mówią Klienci

“Otantik Hotel was one of the most memorable and peaceful holidays I have ever had in my life. From the moment I stepped into the hotel, I was greeted with the warm embrace of nature. The location of the hotel, its location among the greenery and the enchanting lake view created an atmosphere that soothed my soul.”

Andrew Masimo
Sydney, Australia
“Otantik Hotel was one of the most memorable and peaceful holidays I have ever had in my life. From the moment I stepped into the hotel, I was greeted with the warm embrace of nature. The location of the hotel, its location among the greenery and the enchanting lake view created an atmosphere that soothed my soul.”

Andrew Masimo
Sydney, Australia
“Otantik Hotel was one of the most memorable and peaceful holidays I have ever had in my life. From the moment I stepped into the hotel, I was greeted with the warm embrace of nature. The location of the hotel, its location among the greenery and the enchanting lake view created an atmosphere that soothed my soul.”

Andrew Masimo
Sydney, Australia
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